What is a Uterine Prolapse?

What is a Uterine Prolapse?

Uterine Prolapse: when the pregnant mother’s uterine muscular structure becomes stretchy, weak or are incapable to carry a baby. In rare cases, it may result is slipping of the uterus from its original position towards the vagina or beyond. It may be categorized as complete or incomplete depending upon the position of the uterus at the time of its occurrence.

Types of Uterine Prolapse:

Incomplete Uterine Prolapse: In this case, the uterus shifts towards to the vagina or birth canal.

Complete Uterine Prolapse: In such a situation, the uterus or uterine tissues reach towards the end of vagina or comes out completely.

Early Symptoms of Uterine Prolapse:

  • Increase in vaginal discharge
  • Sudden bleeding from vagina
  • Difficulty in intercourse
  • Heaviness in the pelvic ares
  • Severe Constipation for long period of time
  • Recurrent bladder infections
  • Visible uterus from vagina

If you observe any of the above symptoms develop these symptoms, you should immediately rush to your doctor for evaluation and seek treatment well in time before it’s too late. If it’s not treated in time, it will affect your pregnancy and future chances to carry a pregnancy.

Degrees of Uterine Prolapse

The severity of Uterine Prolapse depends upon the strength of your uterine muscles to support pregnancy. Below are the degrees:

First Degree: Your cervix will place itself in the vagina.

Second Degree: Your cervix will reach the opening of the vagina.

Third Degree: Your cervix will push itself outside the vagina.

Fourth Degree: Your uterus comes out of the vagina.

Causes of Uterine Prolapse:

  • Advanced Maternal Age
  • Pregnancy
  • Heavy pressure on your abdominal area due to constipation or pelvic tumor or severe cough
  • Obesity or extreme weight gain
  • History of pelvic surgery

Diagnosis of Uterine Prolapse:

Your doctor will advise you to undergo a pelvic examination after evaluating you on the basis of symptoms of Uterine Prolapse. In a pelvic examination, your doctor will use a speculum to examine your birth canal and uterus. You may require to ‘bear down’ If your doctor is not able to diagnose the condition properly, he may ask you to ‘bear down’ to diagnose you better.

Tips To Prevent Uterine Prolapse:

Uterine Prolapse may not be preventable if it is meant to happen. However, you can follow the below steps to lower your chance of Uterine Prolapse.

  • Regular physical exercise
  • Maintain a healthy body weight to avoid building up of pressure on the lower abdomen area
  • Kegel exercises will strengthen your vaginal and pelvic floor muscles
  • Using estrogen therapy
  • Avoid doing heavy work
  • Take complete rest

Surgery to Treat Uterine Prolapse

Surgical treatments such as uterine removal or hysterectomy are effective for treating condition of Uterine Prolapse. Once your uterus is suspended, your doctor will transfer your uterus back into its actual position and pull up the pelvic muscles in such a way that they keep the uterus intact. In hysterectomy, uterus is extracted from the vagina or abdomen.

Closing Thoughts

However, women who wish to become pregnant again in future should not opt for surgery as pregnancy or childbirth will create heavy pressure on the pelvic muscles and hence, undo the surgery repairs.

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